Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thank You

Heavenly Father, we come with a grateful heart this morning. We thank you for waking us up this day. We thank you for protecting us and shielding us from all hurt, harm and danger on last night. We are so thankful to not have awaken to a morning of terror but a day of peace. Lord, we will enter into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise. So Lord, we say Hallelujah! You are great, great, great!!! Father, may you travel with each of my brothers and sisters on today. Lord, dwell in our homes, our jobs, our schools. Please continue to be the buckler like we know you can be for all those who cry out, Abba! Lord, we just want you to know how much we love you and need you in our daily lives.

Now Father, we ask for forgiveness of our sins. May you continue to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and let our eyes be open to see life as you see it. Father, bless each and every person reading this prayer. Father, let us exemplify you on today, in all our ways. Lord, we honor you and we bless your holy name. In Jesus name, thank God and Amen!



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