Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Living Beyond Yourself

While I have a brief moment during lunch today, I just want to share with you a thought I had on yesterday evening. Live beyond yourself!

We get caught up in so many things that hijack our thoughts and actions keeping us from doing and being all that God wants. You may be think that nothing is keeping you from doing God's work but maybe you should ask yourself am I doing what he wants to the fullest.

We get caught up in finding Mr. or Miss Right (by the away they could be right under your nose) while Jesus Christ is waiting with a heap of blessings in store but we are only focusing on the things we want, not on Him and building a deeper relationship with Him. We want promotions and increase but what are we doing for God and His kingdom to be deserving of His promotion and blessings.

It is time that we live beyond ourselves. Live outside of our small mindedness and shallowness. Get out of your box!!!!! There is so much for us to do and so much that God wants to bless us with. The sky is the limit!



ThaWOVI said...

Wow Jamison, this is perfect for me today....I have been thinking over some things, thinking about my life, and if i am really living up to my full potential in Christ. Lord knows I do not want to miss out on anything...I have to get out of my box....there truly is so much that God wants us to do.....exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.....God bless you.

Salty and Bright said...

Dear Miranda,

In the name of Jesus I pray that you will give God your all in whatever it is He has given you to do. Amen

Keep us posted on the blessings He is about to pour down on you. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Jamison Just checking in.