Thursday, December 19, 2013

Acts 20 Study - Day Four "He's Alive!"

Hello Readers,

Now that we have gotten the sleep out of our eyes, let's get started on day four of this study!


Acts 20:10-12

New International Version (NIV)
10 Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “He’s alive!” 11 Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking until daylight, he left. 12 The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted.

The young man Eutychus had died falling out of a window. (Acts 20 study day 3)  Paul, the one Eutychus fell asleep listening to, went down to the young man's body threw himself on the young man, put his arms around him and Paul said, "He's alive".

Who are you running to and putting your arms around?  Are you bringing people back to life?  

Sometimes the very people you are trying to encourage pay you little or no attention. They fall asleep while you are speaking to them but those very people may end up needing you to help them and bring them back to life when they fall on hard times.  Don't be angry with them and ignore their need.  Run to them, put your arms around them, show them loving kindness and you will bring them back to life. 

Think about the people you come in contact with, family members, friends, co-workers, bosses, church member etc. Who is really going through something right now and could us your arms around them?   How do you bring someone back to life?  First by praying for them.  Jesus Christ intercedes for us by praying to God for us daily.  Hallelujah!  We should follow that example and pray for people daily. 

Secondly, we need to share God's word with them.  You may have a Bible verse that you run to when you are down and need an encouraging word, share it with that person.  It may bless them.  

Lastly, be there for them.  You can send them a daily encouraging text or tweet when you can't see them face to face.  Be consistent in showing them that you care.  One word of caution.  Don't make their problem your problem.  Yes, we weep with those who weep however we cannot become infected with their issue because you will end up hindering them instead of helping them.

Dear God our Father,  thank you for giving us eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Thank you Jesus for daily praying for us.  Help us to be wise in how we help those who are going through hard times.  For those who don't know you Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, touch their hearts and give them a mind to want to be saved.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

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