Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Lord is Close

Hello Everyone,

I am so sorry the I allowed February to go by without one post.  So I am wanting to start March off on the right foot.

For the month of March the memory verse comes from the book of Psalms.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." 
Psalm 34:18 NIV

So many people are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit.  Maybe you feel like that right now.  But what is so amazing about this verse, written thousands of years ago by the psalmist David, are the first four (4) words, "The Lord is close...".

My dear friend the Lord is close.  He has not left you alone.  He has not forgotten that you are there.  He knew everything that would happen to you before you were even born.  He knows what is going to happen to you tomorrow, next week, next year and 20 years from now.  Our Heavenly Father is close to us.  Nothing is a surprise to Him.

You may fill weak right now but He will be your strength.  You maybe be crying right now but He is bottling up your tears.  You maybe be feeling completely alone right now but He already said in His Word that He is close to you.

I know how it feels to get news your were not expecting.  It feels like the breath was just knocked out of you.  Your heart begins to race and your stomach begins to churn and your eyes begin to feel the burn of tears welling up in your eyes.  Dear Ones, the Lord is close.  He is close.  He Is Close.  HE IS CLOSE!!!

Father,  I come to You now thanking You for being close to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit.  Thank You Father for being our strength and for bottling our tears.  Thank You for giving us love when we feel all love is gone.  Thank You for giving us courage to face another day.  Thank you for peace and calm in the middle of our life storms.  Most of all thank You for Jesus, who died and rose again for us all.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray.  Amen.

PS. Thank you Chaquita!

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