Thursday, January 6, 2011

Time For Change


I hope that each of you had a wonderful time over the Christmas and New Years holidays. God was certainly good to our family.

As you very well know, the start of a new year encourages us to make changes in our lives. We make resolutions to lose weight, read more, pray more and just to be better people. But the real change and improvement has to start from within.

What is in our hearts that is not Christ like? What in our thoughts is not Christ like? What is it about our actions that is not Christ like?

It is time for a change! A change for the better to be more like our Savior in our words and deeds. According to Galatians 2:20 Christ lives in us but is He seen by others in us through our speech and actions.

In 2011 strive to be on the outside more like the Jesus who is on the inside.

Much Love,

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