Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's Praying Time

Good Morning, Saints!

On this past Sunday, an 89 year old faithful man of God preached from the pulpit and voiced "Stop Now, It's Praying Time"! Brothers and Sisters, I can not even begin to comment on how this statement has became so powerful in my life. We're only in our second week of the new year and already I've heard stories of people dealing with health issues, family loss, employment concerns, etc. It is praying time; probably pastime. Loved ones, I come this day to encourage each of you to remain in prayer. Pray when you're having a good day; Pray when you're having a bad day; Pray when you don't know how things are going to work out just pray...pray...pray! I believe God is still in control and we should not be consumed by this world but by the transforming of our minds...."

Heavenly Father, I come this morning with a sincere and grateful heart. Father, your grace and mercy are new to us every morning. Forgive us of any sins we might have committed. Forgive us from sins that we didn't know we committed. Continue to lead and guide us through our daily lives. Pierce our hearts to show and display love, even to the unlovable. Help us to be kind to all men. Help us to set aside our desires and set our minds upon you. Lord, we delight in you. Lord, we love you. Father, it is you that gives us life. It is you who knows our deepest thoughts and concerns and with this we know there will be no good thing you will withhold from us. We thank you for opened doors; we thank you for closed doors. Father, visit the ones who are in the hospital bed, fighting for their lives. Visit the homeless shelters. Visit the households. Visit the married couples, singles, divorced and widowed. Lord, we cry out for a visit from you. Lord, just do it. We are vessels ready to be sanctified and used by you. Father, get the glory out of our lives. Continue to help us to be mindful and discerning of spirits. Help us to wait with patience in all things and without grumbling or complaining. When times get hard, send your angels to comfort the broken hearted. Father, we know you are still in the blessing business and there is nothing to hard for you. Lord, we thank you that your word will not return back void. We thank you that you are ever omnipresent. We thank you that you've already destined us for greatness. So Lord we will endure hardness like a good soldier. Because in the end, we are certain that we will win. Thank you for your blood; thank you for taking my place on the cross; thank you for another chance. We love you Jesus; we love you with all of our hearts. We thank God and it is so, in Jesus name, Amen!

With much love and gratitude,


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