Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy New Years Day

Good Morning All,

I just want to give you a quick word of encouragement between meetings and phone calls.

Do you know that you can have a New Years Day any day of the year?

Okay, so you maybe thinking I am off my rocker but this thought hit me this morning.

Whenever we make a point to strive to do better, workout, read more, cook more or clean more.  When we make that decision to me its like New Years Day all over again!!! We are making a fresh start with a clean slate!  

What is so amazing is that God does this for us everyday!  His mercies are new EVERY morning.  I don't about you but I tend to regularly stay up till midnight because I know I need new mercy after the previous day.  Amen.  (Anyone ever been there?)  

So Happy New Years Day!  May God pour out His blessings on you.

Much Love,


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