Friday, April 27, 2012


Hello Everyone,

I have missed you!  Special heartfelt thanks to Chaquita for holding things down.  I hope you all have enjoyed what she brings forth from the Word of God every Tuesday.  Maybe we should call them "Terrific Tuesday's"!

Anyway I have no excuse for not getting on here to share with you more often.  I am so sorry.

This site is for you.  So going forward we will have more information to share to hopefully be of help to you in your daily walk with Christ Jesus.  Please comment to this post and let us know how we can be of service to you.  Let us know what is on your heart and what would be of help to you.

To get the ball rolling here are some questions that you can answer in the comments section and we will do a post on that subject.

Question1:  How can we pray for you?
Question 2: What subjects would be helpful to you for us to post about?
Question 3: Where do you live? (We have readers from around the world!)
Question 4:  What do you like to do for fun?  (We want to know about you!)

Okay!  We now await your answers!!!

Be Blessed and Have A Great Weekend!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Esther, What A Woman!!!

Good Morning, Everybody!!! Jesus have really been blessing my soul! Like the scripture says, if you draw close to Him, he will draw close to you....

This week, I've been engulfed by reading the Book of Esther. If you have not read this book or need to refresh your memory concerning this woman of God, I BEG YOU, to please do so. Lounge in your favorite jammies, slip on your loafers and cuddle up with the Lord. Just watch how HE'll hold your attention throughout every chapter.

Being labeled as a spoiler is not my forte, so again, please read the Book of Esther, and let's review it together. Hoping each of you will be blessed in and out of season. In Jesus name, Amen!

Have a blessed week!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lord, Pull On My Heartstrings

Happy Tuesday, Children of God!!! I pray goodness and mercy shall follow you all the rest of your days. During my time of meditation last night, "Lord, pull on my heartstrings" manifested in my spirit. Curious to know the concept behind this statement, I questioned the significance of its meaning. So I thought about guitar strings (chords) and the angelic instrument, the harp. Both are capable and powerful in allowing us to experience a nostalgic effect caused by its melodious sounds. But ask yourself, who's doing the work? Is it the strings or is it the person playing the music?

Brothers and Sisters, I have to attest that it's my God who continues to pull me through the many valleys and abysses of life challenges. Daily  remind yourselves on how WONDERFUL and how GREAT our God is to consider you as one of His own. He is the POTTER and we are the clay!! Allow Him to make beautiful music in and out of your life! Allow HIM to AWE you in your daily walk! And when people ask, "why are you so happy?" Just respond and say, "God is playing my favorite music and all credit belongs to Him".

Heavenly Father, we come boldly before your throne of grace, with a heart of gratitude. Because of You we are able to live. Father, we ask that you forgive us of our sins and wash us from any act of inquity or wickedness. We are your vessels seeking and desiring to be used by you. Lord, help us to cast our concerns on you so that we may continue to walk with boldness and righetousness. Father, please guard our hearts and emotions so we may not defraud ourselves in the face of the enemy. Help us to discern spirits of lust, trickery and decpetion. Father bring the word to our memory to help us fight off those things that are not from you. Father, please continue to cover our pastors, pastors' wives and the entire body of Christ. Father, we love you and adore you. We offer our hearts unto you and ask that you make the most beautiful music ever played and contagious enough to win over lost souls in this world. Jesus, we know you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think according to your riches and glory. In your son Jesus name, we pray and give thanks, Amen!



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Be Thankful

Good Morning, Brothers and Sisters! Please recall a prayer request for our sister, Renee, who was battling cancer. Sadly, I'm sorry to report that she died this morning at 5am. The flesh may not ever be able to comprehend it but our spiritual natures should be thanking God that our sister no longer has to suffer in pain anymore. So I ask that you keep her family in your prayers and remember others during your time of meditation. As always, may God continue to shield and protect you and your loved ones. Be blessed is my prayer!



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jesus Is Risen!!!

Matt 28:6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Happy Tuesday, Brothers & Sisters!!! How great is our God?!! For HE has risen!!! Easter is vastly approaching us so let us all be reminded that our God is not dead, but very much alive. If you're in a season of wilderness or in the pits of a drought, remember that God has you exactly where he wants you. This is not the time to give up or throw in the towel. We serve a God who is all knowing, all powerful, ever present and faithful. Enjoy today. Live through this day. Shower others with love, attention and support. Forget about your problems; Forget about how "you" think the day is going to end; Forget about what happened yesterday and give God all the glory, honor and praise. HE HAS RISEN!!!

I pray God will continue to cover each and every one of you until we meet again. Praise God for the blessings he has given you. Praise God for HE is good. Praise God for seeing another day. Praise God for health and strength. Praise God throughout your trials and tribulations. Praise God for his mercy endureth forever. Praise God through your hurts, your pains, your frustrations. Praise God, Praise God and lastly, Praise God!!!

May the love and presence of God dwell in your conversations and fellowships with others as you live day to day. Remember that you are blessed and highly favored in the eyes of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Peace and Blessings,
